-In Italy- 160 thousand applications have been filed for the regularization of the work, As of 2020 July 31 - newsallabc.com

Sunday, August 2, 2020

-In Italy- 160 thousand applications have been filed for the regularization of the work, As of 2020 July 31

Last updated Saturday 1 August 2020, 15:46, The electronic procedure will end on August 15, 2020
The applications for the regularization of the work reports received by the portal of the Ministry of the Interior, at 12 noon on 31 July, are 159,991, of which 11,397 are in progress.

The emergence procedure in the sectors of agriculture, domestic work and personal assistance, provided for by article 103, paragraph 1, of law decree n.34 of 19 May 2020, began on 1 June and will end on August 15, 2020.

The report with the statistical data updated to 31 July sees requests for domestic work and assistance for the person prevailing, representing 87% of the total of completed applications (128,719) and 75% of those in progress (8,598).

On the other hand, subordinate work concerns 13% of the applications already completed (19,875) and 25% of those in progress (2,799).

The average number of applications submitted in the last fifteen days is around 2,400 per day, with midweek peaks up to 3,400.

Lombardy maintains the primacy for requests in domestic work and for personal assistance (36,283) and Campania for agriculture (5,134).

Compared to the country of origin of the worker, Ukraine, Bangladesh and Morocco are at the top for domestic work and personal assistance; Albania, India and Morocco for use in agriculture and livestock.

Out of 128,719 employers who have applied for regularization for the domestic sector, 99,126 are Italian. For the agricultural sector, 18,162 out of 19,875 employers are Italian.

Regularization applications can only be submitted electronically to the following address https://nullaostalavoro.dlci.interno.it/.

All information is available on this portal in the special Emergence of employment relationships.

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