'Ambassador's entry into internal affairs casts doubt on our independence' - newsallabc.com

Friday, July 17, 2020

'Ambassador's entry into internal affairs casts doubt on our independence'

Prime Minister Oli continues to embarrass our national interests: Interview with former Foreign Minister Prakash Sharan Mahat

Kathmandu. Some day-to-day internal and geopolitical debates are a priority in the country. The power struggle within the ruling Communist Party of Nepal (CPN-M) and the fund from Prime Minister KP Oli to divert it have been reduced.

Amid the Corona epidemic, the issue of diplomatic affairs has also entered the hot political atmosphere in the country. At the heart of the prime minister's remarks and the Chinese ambassador's unnatural activism. Here is an interview with Prakash Sharan Mahat, Joint General Secretary of the Main Opposition Nepali Congress and former Foreign Minister:

The government's activities and the recent remarks of Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli have come to the fore as a matter of geopolitical debate. What effect does this have on the country's diplomatic affairs?

As the Prime Minister is presenting now. It does not help to meet Nepal's national interests and needs. There is evidence that Limpiyadhura, Lipulek and Kalapani are our lands. There was also a unanimous decision. But other than that, his statements do not benefit Nepal. His remarks also make it difficult for us to address the issue of borders. The issue of Ayodhya came up in the last few days. Before that, he used bitter non-diplomatic language. It is through a diplomatic path that a country like ours protects national self-respect, independence and self-interest.

We have to choose clarity, logic and factual approach in language softness and presentation. We are a friendly country. We have helped you. Nepalis have defended your borders. When we present our facts in a way that you should listen to, we get closer to the purpose.

But there are allegations that the government is trying to create geopolitical complexities. How are you keeping an eye on it?

We are in a geopolitical complex. We are between two big nations. The world is saying that the coming century is the century of Asia. That means China and India will be in control of the world in every way. Therefore, we need to present our relations with neighboring China and India in a sensible way. At the same time, we must be very careful not to compromise on our national interests and needs.

We succeed when we choose the path that does not embarrass anyone. But we have felt embarrassed by the Prime Minister's remarks.

It is a matter of all countries. Now the Chinese ambassador is watching more. India is the diplomatic representative of any country, including the United States, with whom we should focus on our two domestic issues. Their (China's) political system is doing well there.

We can solve our problems ourselves with the representatives of the diplomatic missions of all the countries. It should be clearly stated that whether our party is an issue or an internal matter within the country. You are friends This friendship should be limited to the relations between the two countries. We can discuss and meet on that issue but we should be able to say that it is not necessary to be interested in internal issues. We are wrong in that. We are openly admitting the diplomatic representatives of the neighboring countries. That is not in the interest of the nation.

It has cast doubt on our national self-esteem and the fact that we can make decisions about our country independently. Here, our Prime Minister is entering into unnecessary unproven things about the neighboring countries. That does not help protect our national interest.

Are you trying to point out the recent activism of the Chinese ambassador through the open entry of diplomatic representatives from neighboring countries?

It is a matter of all countries. Now the Chinese ambassador is watching more. India is the diplomatic representative of any country, including the United States, with whom we should focus on our two domestic issues. Their (China's) political system is doing well there.

We respect They must respect our political system. Giving our representatives more access than we need doesn't do us any good. It does not help us in matters of nationality, self-determination, self-interest.

Such things happened yesterday as well. Why can't you stop Did it start with you?

As you said, yesterday you also gave access. It is a matter of global acceptance that the interests and concerns of all countries are at stake when human rights are under attack. It is not in the interest of any country to enter into other matters.

According to the diplomatic criteria, the foreign representative has to be a witness when meeting with the representative of the foreign mission. Why can't it be implemented?

First of all, unfortunately, our political leadership does not trust its mechanism. Number two, they want to communicate personally.

You seek help through them. Therefore, the trend of not being present there was not only today but also yesterday. This issue should be seriously rectified by the nation. Not only the party in government but we also need to rectify this. We should not compromise our personal interests with the national interest. If we do not take this seriously, it will eventually endanger the national interest. There needs to be a national thinking on this issue.

We want to have relations with the country, not the political system. If we start thinking that foreign relations are not a partisan and personal matter, we will put the country's interests first. In Europe, a country like Switzerland was not touched by anyone during the world war. He had Arjuna vision in his national interest. They did not compromise on that. They didn't even shout.

The Nepali Congress has been skeptical about the ruling party's relations with China. What is the reason behind that?

 Not so. We, the Congress and the Communists, must also stop behaving as if we are ideologically close to one another and not as close to the other.

Because we have to relate to the country, not the political system. If we start thinking that foreign relations are not a partisan and personal matter, we will put the country's interests first. In Europe, a country like Switzerland was not touched by anyone during the world war. He had Arjuna vision in his national interest. They did not compromise on that. They didn't even shout.

Therefore, they maintained their sovereignty and nothing happened in the world war. Switzerland, still a prosperous country, has the highest per capita income in Europe. In the so-called Asian century, a country like Nepal should think about how to benefit from that. For that, the national interest and need must be fully protected in mind, deed and practical sense. We are not a military power, we are a military challenger.

But the ruling party has to be linked to the Venezuelan scandal and the Kashmir scandal. What is the long-term impact of this on our diplomatic affairs?

It does not benefit us. We are trying to take a country-wise policy. One standard in relation to one country, another standard in relation to another country is a dangerous thing. We should not set different criteria. No one questions the same criteria.

Is the government moving forward according to the same criteria at this time?

That is not visible. As we have borrowed in foreign aid. Even when borrowing, we accept contractors from the same country. We also accept staff from the same country. However, there is a tendency in the ruling party to be a witch-hunter in relation to the MCC's grant-in-aid from the United States. This is a different criterion. We should not set different criteria. Yesterday we changed the criteria we set to a place where our country is not serviced. Let's improve on the fact that we can borrow but not become contractors through international competition. But tomorrow we will do the same by applying the same criteria everywhere. Similarly, we should not have different criteria with any other country in terms of access to our internal affairs.

It is not good to present oneself with a country that does not share the party's ideology. The government has failed miserably in this regard. Lately, they have been trying to create a fund due to the power struggle.

Rather than talking such nonsense, what is our core national interest for all political parties in Nepal? Let's identify it and base our approach on it. That benefits the country. What is in the interest of the country is in the interest of all of us. There needs to be a national debate on this.

What kind of mentality does the Prime Minister seem to have behind creating such a fund?

Limpiyadhura Lipulek: The Nepali people are angry with India's stance on the Kalapani issue and the media's propaganda style.

The Prime Minister must have thought that even if I entered other subjects, there would be an internal political benefit. But the Nepali people are in a position to clearly understand our national interest. There is evidence that Kalapani, Lipulek and Limpiyadhura are ours. Accompanied by that. There is no proof of that. People have come to realize that they are trying to poison our relationship by talking nonsense. Therefore, no one has accepted the recent statement of the Prime Minister.

Rather than talking such nonsense, what is our core national interest for all political parties in Nepal? Let's identify it and base our approach on it. That benefits the country. What is in the interest of the country is in the interest of all of us. There needs to be a national debate on this.

Where do you see the main problem now?

My experience is that we can implement our leadership if it puts its case clearly with the neighboring countries and allies.

For example, I had clearly stated that the issue of drowning would be monitored by an India-Nepal joint team from East Mechi to West Mahakali. I also said that the treaty agreement was not implemented. I also raised the issue of not getting what we should have got in the Gandak agreement.

Similarly, there was no agreement to build a canal from Mahakali to Kanchanpur. They also agreed to that. It was also agreed that the border issue would be resolved as soon as possible. If they are clearly presented with evidence, they will have to listen to us. Similarly, BRI came first in the case of China. It was not in our interest to make a proposal. After six months of study, the process was moved forward. At that time, Prakash Sharan Mahat said that he had kept the proposal in his pocket. But I will work in the interest of my country.

It was not a matter of signing unless the interests of one's country were guaranteed. There was a lot of discussion on that. Later we thought it was okay and we signed.

We must move forward with serious thinking in mind for the national interest. If we imagine that the leader of a country will get angry and go to my chair, it will not work in the interest of the nation. Work can be done if personal interests are ignored.

From the quarantine center to the hospital, the government's attention was not found. Even the Minister, Secretary and DG have not been admitted to Teku Hospital in Kathmandu so far. We went there and interacted. We are also constantly interacting with representatives of various sectors, local level and organizations connected with economic and social sectors. In that process, quarantine was found to be the most risky. Did not meet the criteria.

Now let's change the context of the conversation. The Nepali Congress has formed the Covid-19 Monitoring Committee under your leadership. You also monitored the epidemic of Kovid-19. What is the current state of the epidemic?

We did not find the government responsible for this. From the quarantine center to the hospital, the government's attention was not found. Even the Minister, Secretary and DG have not been admitted to Teku Hospital in Kathmandu so far. We went there and interacted. We are also constantly interacting with representatives of various sectors, local level and organizations connected with economic and social sectors. In that process, quarantine was found to be the most risky. Did not meet the criteria.

The contribution of the central government was minimal. The local government has done as much as possible. Some states have provided assistance. It has run on the same basis. The central government has shown Rs 10 billion for this. If that money had been used properly, we could have controlled Corona by now. The government has completely failed in that. When it was a sin to think, the government resorted to corruption.

The government did only one thing. There are one million unemployed now. There are 500,000 unemployed people from abroad.

That had to be addressed. Small and medium entrepreneurs had to survive. The budget did not come to save it. So let's say we address monetary policy.

After the monitoring, he tried to show the weakness of the government. What is your conclusion that this government will take the country out of the Corona epidemic?

No matter how careful we are, they have not kept the truth. The Prime Minister's statement to eat turmeric and sneeze is also confirmed. There is not much hope from this government.

But the attitude of the leaders within the ruling party who are looking for an alternative to the government has also been found to be very focused on the issue of whether you should stay alone or not. But they are not found to have debated on any issue.

You failed corona prevention and control. There is no question that we want to come to make it a success. But we are not thinking of going to power now. There is no alternative to the government.

It also depends on the nature of the corona epidemic. The party president is not in the mindset of postponing the general convention. There is competition within the party. Competing leaders wondered if he was trying to tarnish it. "It simply came to our notice then. I'm not willing to pay. Let's have a general convention. '

What is your conclusion that the ruling party along with the government has failed in this regard?

The Communist Party was dragged into it. There is no question that there is an alternative within that. That has created frustration in the country.

At the end of the conversation, I also wanted to emphasize on the 14th General Convention of the Nepali Congress. In the midst of the Corona epidemic, the Congress is eager to hold a general convention in the coming February. How is that possible?

It also depends on the nature of the corona epidemic. The party president is not in the mindset of postponing the general convention. There is competition within the party. Competing leaders wondered if he was trying to tarnish it. "It simply came to our notice then. I'm not willing to pay. Let's have a general convention. '

On Wednesday, senior leader Ram Chandra Poudel's party concluded that the president did not come forward with the intention of holding a general convention.

 Seeing his destiny bad even when making a decision? After the decision was taken by the Central Committee, the Chairman had proposed that 'Ram Chandraji should be the coordinator to implement it'.

"I don't stay, you have to do it," he said. There is no room for anything more than that from the chairman. There is no room for disbelief. It will not be difficult for all of us to move forward with the convention. It is a matter of everyone's efforts. It cannot be said that the chairperson alone does not want to do it.

What is your candidacy for the upcoming General Convention?

I have become the Joint General Minister. There is no reason not to claim to go beyond that. But like some leaders, it is not necessary to play the drums right now. There is no unknown leader and no unknown cadre. I have come here after struggling since my student days.

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