The League attacks regularization: "Where did all the irregular workers go?" -


Wednesday, June 10, 2020

The League attacks regularization: "Where did all the irregular workers go?"

Rome - “If Minister Bellanova were consistent he would have already resigned his silence. Fewer than 10 thousand regularization requests, with the racket obviously doing it and with the risk of increasing undeclared work. Where did all the irregular workers of which the Minister babbled go, as if our agricultural entrepreneurs were all illegal labor exploiters? ".

So Silvia Scurati, Lombardy regional councilor of the League, intervened on the government's policies on immigration.

"The truth - says Scurati - is that once again this government pursues only political and demagogic ideologies on the issue of immigration, not knowing how to justify real amnesties, this while the landings of illegal immigrants continue as if nothing had happened. Perhaps the Ministers of the Pd-Five Star Government should take as an example the work done in the Lombardy Region also in the agricultural sector, with Councilor Rolfi who to revive our economy does not ask for amnesties but invests in long-term projects ".

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