Coronavirus and Alcoholic Drinks Does Not Protect You -


Saturday, April 25, 2020

Coronavirus and Alcoholic Drinks Does Not Protect You

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Rome, April 24, 2020 - The emergency situation linked to the new coronavirus (Sars-CoV-2), so different from conventional life contexts, has led most people to change habits and behaviors. It therefore becomes necessary and urgent to pay greater attention to the negative and detrimental effects on health that certain behaviors determine, including the risky and harmful use of alcoholic beverages.

It is also essential to deny with scientific evidence the various  fake news  on the alleged beneficial properties of alcohol against the Sars-CoV-2 virus which find easy foothold in a soil already predisposed to distract, even just for "relaxation", towards styles of unhealthy life.

Alcohol is an immunosuppressant and promotes viral and lung infections

Among the  fake news  circulating, one claims that beer, wine and spirits stimulate immunity to the virus.
"Alcohol consumption does not protect in any way from Covid-19." Abusing it increases the risk of infection because it "damages all components of the immune system". There is, in fact, a dose dependent correlation between alcohol consumption and viral infections. And this also applies to the infection caused by Sars-CoV-2.
This is explained by the in-depth study " Taking alcoholic beverages and Covid-19 ", published on the portal of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità.
Harmful and risky alcohol intake:
  • causes a reduction in the number and functions of B lymphocytes, the immune cells, which defend the body
  • "Reduces the oropharyngeal tone", increasing the risk of introducing germs into the organism, and "modifies the function of the alveolar macrophages", which are responsible for cleaning the pulmonary alveoli from dust and pathogens, so it becomes a potential risk factor for pneumonia
Another  fake news  that circulates is that according to which a heavy consumption would kill the virus in the inhaled air. In reality, alcohol "does not disinfect the mouth and throat, and does not give any kind of protection".

Alcohol increases the risk of domestic violence

Excessive alcohol consumption, especially in quarantine, is particularly discouraged, because in addition to developing addiction, it increases the risk, frequency and severity of interpersonal violence, such as partner violence, sexual violence, violence against young people, the elderly and abuse and violence against children.

Alcohol abuse and potential public health crisis

The harmful and risky use of alcoholic beverages during the  lockdown also  worries the experts for another reason, of a social nature: in quarantine it could be linked, in fact, to "a potential public health crisis", as highlighted by an  article published in The Lancet Public Health . "This period of isolation could lead to a spike in alcohol abuse, with relapses in people with addiction problems and potential developmental use-related disorders."

What to do to protect yourself from Covid 19

To conclude, alcohol is harmful to health and addictive. Their consumption not only does not protect against the virus but exposes you to the risk of developing serious diseases, such as cirrhosis of the liver, pancreatitis and tumors. To prevent contagion from the new coronavirus, you must above all respect the measures of social distancing (at least 1 meter away from other people) and wash your hands frequently with water and soap or alcohol-based solution for at least 40-60 seconds.

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